Close Grip Barbell Curl: Muscles Worked, Benefits & Alternative

Close Grip Barbell Curl

Are you tired of the same old bicep curls or want to add more variation to your bicep workout routine? Look no further than the close grip barbell curl for a workout. This is simple yet effective exercise targets your biceps, resulting in bigger and stronger guns. By using a narrow grip on the barbell, … Read more

Compound Arm Exercises to Build Bigger Bicep and Tricep

Compound Arm Exercises to Build Bigger Bicep & Tricep

Are you looking to add variety to your arm workout routine and maximize your gains? Compound arm exercises are a great way to do just that. Compound arm exercises help you get stronger by working multiple muscles at once. When you do compound arm movements, you can do more in a shorter time, improving your … Read more

Wall Push-Ups: Benefits, How To Do, Muscles Worked & Form

Wall Push ups

Wall push-ups are a great bodyweight exercise that can help strengthen your chest, shoulders, and triceps. They can also help improve your posture and stability and increase your upper body strength and endurance. Standing push-ups are a low-impact exercise that people of all fitness levels can do. So, they are a good choice for people … Read more

Dumbbell Drag Curl: Muscles Worked, Benefit and Variations

Dumbbell Drag Curl

The Dumbbell Drag Curl is a bicep curl variation that maximizes the progressive overload and mechanical tension exerted on the biceps. It also maximizes the muscular hypertrophy and neurological adaptation. It is a great exercise to add to your bicep workout if you want to build muscle and definition in your arms. In this blog, … Read more

Dumbbell Tricep Kickback: Muscles Worked, How To Do, Form

Dumbbell Tricep Kickback

The dumbbell kickback is a strength-training exercise that targets the triceps muscle in the upper arm. It is an effective exercise for building arm size and strength. It is popular for those looking to tone and strengthen their tricep. This blog will tell you everything you need to know: After reading this blog, you will … Read more

Reverse EZ Bar Curl: Muscles Worked, Benefits and Alternate

EZ bar reverse grip curl

Training the biceps is considered the most significant arm muscle, but you might start working on your brachialis if you want to improve your arm shape and size. The EZ bar reverse grip curl is great for building both your brachioradialis, brachialis, and upper arms. Training the brachioradialis is essential for building bigger forearms and for producing powerful … Read more

Wide Grip Barbell Curl: Muscles Worked, How To Do and Benefits

Wide Grip Barbell Curl

Many bodybuilders have relied on the standard barbell curl for decades to strengthen their biceps. During a bicep curl, you can use different grip positions to train the different heads of the biceps. And one of them is a wide grip curl. The wide grip barbell curl, as the name suggests, involves using a wider … Read more

15 Best Dumbbell Biceps Exercises To Build Bigger Arm

Best Dumbbell Exercise for Biceps

We all want to build bigger biceps, but sometimes we don’t have access to gym machines to train arms or want to train at home or want to train biceps in new ways. The big arm muscles are one of gym bros’ most popular focus points. And biceps exercises help build upper arm strength and … Read more

Dumbbell Triceps Extension: How To Do, Muscles Worked & Benefits

Dumbbell Triceps Extension

It is well-known that strengthening the triceps muscle can improve arm definition and functional strength. The dumbbell tricep extension is an isolation exercise that effectively targets the tricep muscle. It can be easily incorporated into your tricep workout routine. In this article, we will discuss the What Is Dumbbell Tricep Extension The dumbbell triceps extension, … Read more