12 Best Short Head Bicep Exercises (Inner Bicep)

Best Short Head Bicep Exercises

The biceps brachii muscle (biceps) is a large, thick upper arm muscle. The short head of the biceps brachii muscle refers to one of the two heads that make up the biceps muscle in the upper arm. Why focus on the short head? As we know, the biceps brachii muscle consists of two distinct heads: … Read more

Standing Cable Row: Muscles Worked and Variations

Standing Cable Row

Standing cable rows are often used in upper-body workouts because they are a great way to work the middle back, biceps, lats, and shoulders. This exercise also strengthens your lower back and core. The standing cable row can be performed in different grip positions and attachments.  Changing how you hold the cable attachment emphasizes the muscles worked. Try … Read more

20 Best Arm Exercises To Build Bigger Bicep and Tricep

Best Arm Exercises

Are you looking to pump up your biceps and triceps and show off some serious arm strength? Look no further. We will provide information about the best exercises based on anatomy and science that build a bigger arm. We also cover the best arm exercises, such as bicep curls, tricep pushdowns, and presses, which will … Read more

Cable Hammer Curl: How To Do and Muscles Worked

Cable Hammer Curl

The cable hammer curl is one of the best exercises that you can do to build your arm muscles. When it comes to building massive biceps and forearms, the rope hammer curl is an effective isolation workout that also targets the brachialis and brachioradialis. The cable rope hammer curls are very similar to the biceps … Read more

12 Best Dumbbell Oblique Exercises for a Stronger Core

Dumbbell Oblique Exercises

Do you want to tone up and strengthen your core muscles, especially the obliques, with a dumbbell? Look no further! Here, I will share the best and most effective dumbbell exercises specifically designed to target and engage the oblique muscles. The dumbbell is a versatile and accessible tool that allows for an increased range of … Read more

Dumbbell Y Raise: How To Do and Muscles Worked

Dumbbell Y Raise

The dumbbell Y raise is a beneficial workout that works your shoulders and upper back muscles, including the rear deltoids and traps. It not only targets specific muscle groups but also improves shoulder stability, and posture. And the best part? Dumbbell Y raises can easily be done at home with just a set of dumbbells. … Read more

How To Do Cable Y Raise and Pro Tips

Cable Y raise

The cable Y-raise is a fantastic exercise that targets the upper back and activates all deltoid fibers, including the front, lateral, and rear delts and traps. Because it is performed using a cable machine, it provides constant tension compared to a free-weight Y-raise. This exercise combines horizontal shoulder abduction with external shoulder rotation, which helps … Read more

Best Lower Abs Workout: 10 Exercises for a Defined Core

Lower Abs Workout

Do you ever want super strong abs, like a washboard tummy? But working out often doesn’t always make your lower abs look better, right? Strange. Here’s the deal: your core is like a team. Everyone, not just some players, needs to be strong. If you ignore your lower abs, your core can become unstable, which … Read more

Scapular Wall Slides: How To Do, Technique & Benefits

scapular wall slides

Scapular wall slides, also known as wall slides or reverse wall slides, are one of the basic and best exercises for improving shoulder rotation, upper back activation, and rotator cuff muscle strength and mobility. Wall slides target the muscles responsible for scapular stability, such as the serratus anterior, lower trapezius, and rhomboid. A study found … Read more