Rope Upright Row: Muscle Worked, Benefits, Form

The cable rope upright row is a variation of the upright row and an exercise used to build the muscles of the shoulders and traps. Utilizing the cable pulley machine is useful in that it provides constant tension on the target muscle group as you move the weight through the range of motion.

Using a rope attachment on the cable station is a more shoulder-friendly version of the upright row. It allows the hands some freedom of movement so that your grip width can vary throughout the lift.

You shouldn’t be scared out of integrating the rope row upright row into your routine. There are several ways you’ll need to look out to improve the technique. To perform the upright cable row exercises in a safe and effective way, you must read this.

What is Cable Rope Upright Row

The cable rope upright row is a compound strength training exercise that primarily targets the muscles of the shoulders, including the deltoids and the trapezius, as well as the upper back.

The cable machine with the rope attachment makes this workout a great choice for people who want to build bigger and stronger back muscles and shoulders.

Cable machines keep tension on the muscles throughout the entire range of motion, ultimately increasing muscle activation and hypertrophy.

Rope Upright Row

Cable Rope Upright Row Muscles Worked

A real upper body powerhouse, the upright row machine mainly targets your Traps and deltoid. Some of the body’s most integral muscle groups, including:

  • Shoulders: Working on the deltoids, rhomboids, and trapezius muscles, it is perfect for building strength, muscle, and stability in the shoulder and upper back region.
  • Rhomboids: Upper back muscles that connect the shoulder blades and offer a great deal of support, working on your rhomboids will improve your posture.
  • Biceps: As major arm muscles, building your biceps will significantly enhance your upper body strength as well as general upper body resilience.
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How To Do Upright Row With Cable Rope

  1. Set the pulley to the lowest position and grab an end of the rope in each hand with an overhand grip
  2. Stand close to the pulley with your body upright, your shoulders pulled back.
  3. Begin with the ends of the rope resting on your thighs.
  4. From there, flex your elbows and pull the rope up towards your chin, until the middle of the rope is in line with your collar bone.
  5. Pause at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the rope back to the starting position.
  6. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Sets and Reps

Choose your sets and repetitions based on how well you can do the movement without losing good form.

For the cable rope upright row, begin by performing 2–3 sets of 10–15 reps with weights you can control.

Cable Rope Upright Row Proper Form and Technique

  1. You’re lifting too much weight: If your weight is too heavy, the movement will require momentum. Heavy lifting will take the focus away from the shoulders or, even worse, put too much stress on them.
  2. Don’t pull the rope too high: Pulling the rope too high can increase the likelihood of an impingement injury at the shoulder. Controlling the movement and limiting your elbows to reach the same height as your shoulders ensure you are not exerting your shoulder and potentially causing an injury.
  3. Brace your core and keep your torso upright: As with any lift, maintaining a strong and stable core throughout the lift will aid with bracing and thus protect the spine.
  4. Don’t roll shoulder forward: When lowering the weight, make sure your chest is proud and shoulders pulled back/together.
  5. Bend slightly at the knees and stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  6. Don’t allow your back to arch as you pull the rope up, don’t allow excess weight to dictate your body mechanics.

Benefits of a Cable Rope Upright Row

Here are the benefits of a rope upright row :

  • Muscle strength & growth: Due to its targeted pulling motion, a large group of major upper body muscles are targeted. Performing this exercise regularly is likely to accelerate your muscle growth and strength in your back, biceps, and shoulders.
  • Stability & conditioning: Upright row activates all major areas of the shoulders, making it excellent for upper body stability and conditioning. By doing frequent upright rows, you will improve your position while protecting yourself from injury.
  • Builds Traps: Traps are tricky to build. There are only a handful of exercises that mainly target your traps. A rope upright row utilizes your traps just as much as it works your shoulders.
  • Arm power: It will make your arms more powerful, improving your performance in other exercises and activities as a result.
  • Improve your posture. When practised with proper form, rope upright row exercises help build strength in your upper body stabilizer muscle groups, helping you stand up tall and keep your back straight.

Alternative Exercises For Cable Rope Upright Row

I will make recommendations on the best alternatives for the cable upright row.

Even if you love this exercise, it is always good to have alternatives to keep your body challenged and your training program fresh.

1. Dumbbell Upright Row

The dumbbell upright Row is a compound exercise that builds stronger and bigger traps, and rear deltoids (Shoulder). 

It’s a really simple exercise to perform. You hold a dumbbell in each hand and lift them vertically until they’re level with your collarbone, before lowering them back down.

Muscle Worked during Dumbbell Upright Row

2. Kettlebell Upright Row

The Kettlebell Upright Row is a variation of the dumbbell upright row, and It allows more movement in your wrists and arms and is less likely to force any internal rotation of your shoulder.

Again, opt for a kettlebell in a bit less than half the weight of a barbell you were working with.

Kettlebell Upright Row

3. Upright Barbell Row

The barbell upright row is a barbell exercise that builds stronger and bigger trapsrhomboids and rear deltoids. In addition to strengthening and sculpting the shoulders, mastering the barbell upright row can help you with those bigger lifts like squats and deadlifts.

As a result, performing this exercise regularly is likely to accelerate your muscle growth and strength in your back, biceps, and shoulders.

Barbell Upright Row

4. Rear Delt Flys

If you want to build a bigger and stronger rear delt, you should add rear delt fly to your shoulder workout routine

The rear delt fly, also known as the bent over rear delt fly, is a great shoulder exercise to assist you in building a rear delt muscles. Many lifters utilize the rear delt fly to target the rear delts, an often lagging muscle for many lifters alike.

Strengthening the rear delts and trap by using the bent over rear delt fly can lead to improved posture and a greater level of strength on other lifts.

People Also Asked

Are cable upright rows good?

Cable upright rows are a good upper-body exercise designed to work muscle groups throughout your arms, shoulders, and upper back. One of the main things about these exercises is that they are shoulder-friendly.

It provides constant tension on the target muscle group as you move the weight through the range of motion.

What Muscles Does The Rope Upright Row Work?

The cable rope upright row is a compound exercise that targets muscle groups in your shoulders and upper back.

Do cable upright rows work traps?

The cable rope upright rows mainly works your traps and side delts.


A cable rope upright row can strengthen the posterior chain muscles, including the shoulders and upper back. With great attention to form, you’ll reap all the benefits.

Let us know, in the comment section below, your valuable suggestions!

Thanks for reading.

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