Lower Chest Cable Exercises for Bigger & Stronger Chest

If you are looking for the best lower chest cable exercises, then you are at the right place, here we discuss the best exercises, how to do them, and pro-tips. As we all know, a well-shaped chest is one of the most important qualities of a good physique.

To build more thickness, muscle, and strength in your lower pecs, you need to add this lower chest workout to your training regime. Having a well-developed lower chest contributes to the fullness of the upper body and has functional benefits.

Benefits of the Lower Cable Chest Exercises

  • For people who experience discomfort in their joints during the bench press, cable chest exercises are a great alternative. With proper shoulder-blade stability, the cable changes the angle of the movement enough to limit the potential stress on the joints.
  • Lower chest exercises with cable are more evenly distributed, and you have more of a constant load on your chest muscles throughout the whole range of motion.
  • The cable setup gives your muscles almost uninterrupted time under tension, and a huge pump â€” each of which can help optimize muscle growth.
  • Varying the position of the body and the direction of cable, you can work out various parts of the pectoral muscles.
Know More: 14 Best Cable Chest Exercises and Workout Routine

Best Lower Chest Cable Workouts

Here is the list of the best lower chest cable exercises which help to train the chest at various angles and strengthen and to build a well-developed chest.

1. High Cable Fly (High to Low Cable Fly)

The High To low cable fly is a variation of the chest fly is a great exercise to target the lower portion of your chest.

The cable provides constant tension throughout the movement and maximum muscle activation that promotes muscle growth and strength.

High to low cable fly is a machine exercise that primarily targets the chest and to a lesser degree also targets the shoulders and triceps.

High Cable Fly (High to Low Cable Fly)

Muscles Worked

Primary: Lower pectoralis

Secondary: Upper chest, Anterior deltoid, latissimus dorsi (back), Biceps Brachii, rhomboids.

How To Do High Cable Fly

  1. Set both pulleys as High as possible and select the desired weight.
  2. In a standing position, grab the handles with a neutral grip.
  3. Bend slightly forwards, and extend your arms feeling a good stretch in your chest muscles.
  4. Bend your elbows slightly, pull your hands (high to low) toward each other in wide arcs in front of you, pausing when your hands touch.
  5. Slowly lower back to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


  • Ensure you maintain some tension in your abs and don’t allow your lower back to arch excessively.
  • Focus on form before choosing a heavy weight.
  • Breathe out as you pull the handles together.

2. Cable Decline Bench Press

The decline cable chest press is a variation of the decline bench press. The Decline cable press is a great compound exercise for your chest, shoulders, and triceps.

It mainly works the lower pec muscles, which help build strength and size in the lower part of the chest. The cable pulleys allow for a wider range of motion and a deeper stretch of the chest muscles.

Cable Decline Bench Press

Muscles Worked

Primary: Lower pectoralis.

Secondary: Upper chest, Anterior deltoid, triceps.

How To Do Cable Decline Bench Press

  1. Set a Decline bench at a 30-degree angle. Lie on the bench with your feet flat on the foot pad or the roller.
  2. Lift your arms straight up from your shoulders and hold the cable handle directly over your chest.
  3. Once in position, slowly press and extend your arms straight out until you feel tension in your chest, and hold for a count.
  4. Bring your arms back toward the mid-line of your body, focusing on using your lower pecs muscles to draw them back together.


  • Maintain more tension through the pecs by not locking out the elbows entirely.
  • Vary the position of the bench to hit different angles of the lower chest.
  • Hold and contract the chest muscles when hands are together.
  • Set bench at about 30 degrees Decline.

3. Decline Cable Fly

Decline Cable fly is one of the most suitable exercises for isolating the lower chest muscles.

Performing this exercise with cables instead of dumbbells allows for constant tension to help in building the lower chest fibers. This constant tension cannot be achieved with the Dumbbells.

Decline Dumbbell Fly

Muscles Worked

Primary: Lower chest

Secondary: Upper chest, Anterior deltoid, triceps.

How To Do Decline Cable Fly

  1. Set a Decline bench at a 30-degree angle. Lie on the bench with your feet flat on the foot pad or the roller.
  2. Lift your arms straight up from your shoulders and hold the cable handle directly over your chest.
  3. Slowly lower your arms out to your sides until your wrists come to about shoulder level or slightly above.
  4. Bring your arms back to the middle of your body and use your lower pec muscles to bring them back together.


  • Exhale while you exert.
  • Vary the position of the bench to hit different angles of the upper chest.
  • Hold and contract the chest muscles when hands are together.
  • Set bench at about 30 degrees Decline.

4. Cable Crossover

If you’re looking for straightforward cable machine chest exercises to add to your routine, cable crossover are a great staple exercise to get you started. It provides constant tension in helping build a massive chest.

Standing cable crossover exercise helps to develop and define the lower and the Inner pectoral muscles.

Cable provides constant resistance and helps develop the lower and the central chest muscles by providing the much-needed stress in the lower and the inner pecs.

Cable Crossovers

Muscles Worked

Primary: Lower Chest

Secondary: Upper chest, Anterior deltoid, latissimus dorsi (back)Biceps Brachii, rhomboids (back).

How To Do Cable Crossover

  1. In a standing position, grab and hold the handles of the overhead pulleys on both sides.
  2. Bend forward and stretch your arms to feel a good stretch in your chest muscles.
  3. Now, with your arms slightly bent at the elbows, try to get a good chest contraction.
  4.  Keeping your core engaged, pull both handles down and across your body. Squeeze your chest muscles in this fully contracted position.
  5. Slowly reverse to the start position, keeping the bend in your elbows throughout.
  6. Repeat the desired number of reps.


  • When you’re relaxing, breathe in, and when you’re contracting, breathe out. Keep your head up at all times.
  • At the end of the movement, try to squeeze your chest.
  • Slowly reverse to the start position, keeping the bend in your elbows throughout.

5. Cable Pullovers

Another great option to target the lower pec and grow your chest is this cable pullover exercise.

The lying cable pullover is a good replacement for the barbell or dumbbell pullover. Cable Pullover is the best exercise to build a strong rib cage and build serratus anterior muscle to build a complete chest and back.

Pullover work directly on the serratus anterior muscle to develop the back.

Cable Pullovers

Muscles Worked

Primary: Lower Pectoralis.

Secondary: LatsShoulders Triceps.

How To Do Cable Pullovers

  1. Place the bench in front of a low pulley cable machine, leaving about 2-3 feet between the bench and the machine.
  2. Lie down on the bench with your head near the end of the bench closest to the cable machine. Hold on to the rope with both hands.
  3. Pull your hands up across the top of your head by keeping your arms straight.
  4. Pause, and then lower the weight back to the starting position.
  5. Do this for as much reps as you want.


  • Stretching as far as possible helps the rib cage expand the most.
  • Do not use momentum, and proceed at a slow pace.
Know More: Lower Chest Dumbbell Exercises to Build Muscle & Definition

Lower Chest Workout Routine Plans

Beginner Lower Chest Cable Workout Plan

If you’re new to lifting weights, don’t worry. This beginner-friendly chest workout routine is a great place to start.

Incline Push-Ups48-1260-90 sec
Decline Dumbbell Press48-1060-90 sec
Cable Fly38-1060-90 sec

Intermediate Lower Chest Workout

If you are an intermediate level or have outgrown the beginner routine, try the intermediate chest workout routine below.

Dumbbell Bench Press48-1060-90 sec
Decline Barbell Press48-1260-90 sec
High Pulley Crossover38-1060 sec
Decline cable fly312-1560 sec

Advanced Chest Workout

If you are an advanced level athlete or have already completed the beginner and intermediate chest workouts, give the advanced routine a try. Here, you’ll challenge more of your balance, stability, and strength.

Decline Press48-1060-90 sec
Machine Fly48-1260 sec
Decline Cable Fly3-48-1045-60 sec
Smith Machine Press312-1545-60 sec
Incline Push-Ups315-2060 sec

People also ask

How can I target my lower chest with a cable?

To isolate the lower chest (sternal) requires you to change the angle of your press to emphasize this neglected part of the chest. You do this by either performing exercises on a decline bench or leaning forward with traditional exercises like high cable fly.

Cable machines offer a wide range of exercise options depending on the position of the pulleys. Setting the pulleys higher will put more emphasis on the lower chest, while setting them lower emphasizes the upper chest.

What cable exercises hit the lower chest?

There are several excellent exercises you can do with a cable that will hit your lower chest. The decline cable bench presses are one of the best lower chest exercises. You could also add decline cable fly, and cable crossover.

How Often Should You Work Lower Chest?

You should train your lower chest 1 to 2 times per week to build mass and strength. If your goal is muscle hypertrophy, then you should do 8-12 repetitions per set, and if you’re looking to tone your muscles, then 1-3 sets of 12-16 repetitions should be sufficient.

Does high to low work lower chest?

Yes, high to low cable fly is a great exercise to target the lower portion of your chest.

The high to low cable fly works the lower chest, and the low to high cable fly works the upper chest.

(Note: The high cable fly works the lower chest, and the low cable fly works the upper chest)

What cable flys work the lower chest?

There are many variations of cable fly, such as high to low cable fly, decline cable fly, and high unilateral cable fly, which work the lower chest.


The cable exercises provided in this article will provide a complete workout for your lower chest. For anyone who is interested in building body strength and gaining muscle on the lower chest, this best cable chest exercise is recommended.

Let us know, in the comment section below, your favorite cable exercise!

Thanks for reading.

Stay Fit, Live a Happy and Healthy Life


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