Incline Dumbbell Shrug: Muscle Worked, Tips and Alternate

Incline dumbbell shrugs, also known as chest supported dumbbell shoulder shrugs or prone incline dumbbell shrug, are an isolation exercise targeting your trapezius muscles.

However, if you include incline dumbbell shrugs in your strength training routine to strengthen and balance the muscles in your traps. You will also be able to lift more weight, and you will see an improvement in your performance.

Do chest-supported shrugs at different angles. Each angle will work on a different part of the traps. To achieve the best results, use a steep angle to hit the area about halfway between the upper and mid-traps.

In this article, we will discuss how to perform incline dumbbell shrug exercises properly to build mass and strength.

What Incline Dumbbell Shrug

Incline dumbbell shrug is a variation of trap dumbbell shrug exercises that strengthens the upper part of the trapezius and neck region and also helps to improve posture.

If you lower the bench to about 30 degrees, you will be targeting the mid-traps, which is where most people are lacking.

Prone dumbbell shrug variation will shift emphasis to the upper traps as well as the upper portion of the middle traps. The fact that your chest is pressed on the bench will make it difficult to use momentum to drive the weight up.

(Note: This exercise is also known as Prone bench dumbbell shrug or Prone dumbbell shrug).

Incline Dumbbell Shrug Muscles Worked

The incline dumbbell shrug targets the muscles of the upper back and shoulders. The incline dumbbell shrug primarily targets the trapezius muscle.

The middle back and neck muscles are also worked to a lesser degree

Incline Dumbbell Shrug

How To Do Chest Supported Incline Shrug

  1. Grab a pair of dumbbells and straddle an adjustable-incline bench with your feet flat on the floor, or position them on the bench frame to support your body.
  2. Hold the dumbbells with a neutral grip at your sides and lie chest-down on an incline bench.
  3. Slowly shrug your shoulders up toward your ears.
  4. At the top, pause for a moment and contract hard through your traps and rhomboids.
  5. Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position.
  6. Repeat the desired number of reps.
How To Do Chest Supported Incline Shrug

Tips and Technique To Perform Incline Dumbbell Shrug

Here are some tips and techniques to help you perform prone dumbbell shrugs correctly.

  • Try not to move anything but your shoulders.
  • When you lower the weight, inhale, and when you lift the weight, exhale.
  • Adding a pause at the top of the movement can help to enhance the mind-muscle connection.
  • Limit momentum and excessive jerking or bouncing of the weight.
  • When performing a chest-supported incline shrug, make sure to keep your chin up to avoid hunching your shoulders.
  • Always choose a weight that allows you to have complete control of your body throughout the movement.
  • In order to see continual progress and build body strength, incorporate proper warm-ups, rest, and nutrition into your exercise program.

Incline Dumbbell Shrug Alternative

1. Dumbbell Upright Row

The dumbbell upright row is an excellent exercise to build huge Trapezius muscles and create that deltopectoral separation. Heavy Upright Rows along with shrugs can build massive traps.

There are many variations of these trap exercises. You can use either a barbell, dumbbells, cable or Smith Machine to perform Upright Rows.

Upright Row

2. Dumbbell Shrug

The dumbbell shrug is a great alternative to the prone incline dumbbell shrug for building stronger trapezius muscles.

This exercise can be done extremely heavily to thicken the traps, which really helps you in doing back poses. This is one of the best upper trap isolation exercises for trapezius muscle.

Being a stubborn muscle group for many, traps can be trained with a fairly high frequency during the week.

Dumbbell Shrugs

Another best alternate of Incline Dumbbell Shrug


Big traps are a great way to show the world that you are a good athlete.

Beyond making you look better in a t-shirt, developed traps play a role in nearly every upper-body exercise in one form or another.

Know More About Trap Training


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